Tucker University 1-201: V-Block, Sidekicks, and High/Lows

Past Class

If you love seeing stars in your future then you have just found your new best friend, the V-Block. Making stars is not the only thing the V-Block can do to improve your piecing techniques. Once you learn how to use the V-Block, you will not go back to those plastic templates you have been tracing and slicing. Connect a V-Block with a half square triangle and watch the curves develop. The possibilities are only limited to your imagination. Push the use of your V-Block a bit further by learning how to create Sidekicks and High/Low units. You will amaze your quilting friends by thinking that you made a difficult unit, when in fact the use of the V-Block made it.

The registration fee includes instruction from a Studio 180 Certified Instructor, a laminated Design Sheet for each tool (offers cutting charts, color planning aids, and a Blackline Master with 20-30 additional block options), and any required Technique Sheets from Studio 180. Hint: You may want to get a binder to organize all these great references!

The registration fee does not include the cost of supplies. Click on the link below to view the supply list for this class.

Supplies List


Jackie Mowday

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