Let's Label Those Quilts!

Upcoming Class

We love making our quilts. We carefully pick the pattern and the fabric colors. Then we spend hours piecing, quilting, and binding our masterpieces. But the final step in completing the quilt is often overlooked--applying a label which identifies the maker, the occasion and the time period in which it was constructed.

In this class we will discuss and learn:
• why it's a good idea to document your quilts
• what information to include on the label
• methods to protect your quilts against theft
• techniques and ideas for making attractive labels that will add the final touch to your beloved quilt
• how to make a simple foundation pieced quilt label

Plan to bring two or three of your un-labeled quilts so you can complete your quilts the day of class.

Level: Beginner through advanced

The registration fee does not include the cost of supplies. Click on the link below to view the supply list for this class.

Supplies List


Ann Bertorelli

  • 0 sold / 10 total Thu October 24, 10:00am - 4:30pm

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