Past Class
Have you ever wanted to take a class to learn a new technique that you can use on ANY pattern? Do you have some of Deb Tucker’s Studio 180 Design tools at home still in the package and not sure how to use them? Would you like to take a quilting class that does not leave you with another UFO but instead helps you to be a more precise piecer? Then you need to consider joining Tucker University. This 3 month series will include the Tucker Trimmer, V-Block and Wing Clipper along with the technique sheets that go along with the tools.
1-101 Tucker Trimmer & Shaded Four Patch - Learn how to use the Tucker Trimmer 1 to create half square triangles, quarter square triangles and combination units. With the Tucker Trimmer alone, a quilter has 33 opportunities to create precise units that will fit nicely with more advanced units. This is a perfect tool for any quilter to begin their journey through the Studio 180 Design set of tools. Take it to the next level as you use your Tucker Trimmer to create a Shaded Four - Patch without ever cutting a triangle! These units can be created by strip-piecing, thus eliminating the need to stitch along a bias edge. You’ll be amazed at the myriad of design options this unit will open up for you!
1-201 V-Block, Sidekicks, and High/Lows - If you love seeing stars in your future then you have just found your new best friend, the V-Block. Making stars is not the only thing the V-Block can do to improve your piecing techniques. Once you learn how to use the V-Block, you will not go back to those plastic templates you have been tracing and slicing. Connect a V-Block with a half square triangle and watch the curves develop. The possibilities are only limited to your imagination. Push the use of your V-Block a bit further by learning how to create Sidekicks and High/Low units. You will amaze your
quilting friends by thinking that you made a difficult unit, when in fact the use of the V-Block made it.
1-301 Wing Clipper, Pickets and Quickets - Put your flying geese on the right track by pointing them in the correct direction. Learn the simple secrets to creating crisp, clean units effectively and quickly. This method can be applied to any pattern that requires flying geese units. Since you usually have to make hundreds of these units at a time, why not make them perfect every time? Expand the use of your Wing Clipper 1 by learning how to make Pickets and Quickets. Once you begin to recognize these units, you will be surprised how often they appear in patterns from your favorite magazines and designers. You will want to add Pickets and Quickets to your border options.
Phase One of Tucker University is a three-month commitment. The registration fee (one fee covers all three months) includes instruction from a Studio 180 Certified Instructor, a laminated Design Sheet for each tool (offers cutting charts, color planning aids, and a Blackline Master with 20-30 additional block options), and any required Technique Sheets from Studio 180. Hint: You may want to get a binder to organize all these great references!
Class dates are Thursdays, February 6th, March 6th, and April 3rd, from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Using the link below will register you for all three sessions.
Lesson Outline:
Session 1-101 Tucker Trimmer and Shaded Four-Patch: Thursday, February 6th
Session 1-201 V-Block, Sidekicks, and High/Lows: Thursday, March 6th
Session 1-301 Wing Clipper, Pickets and Quickets: Thursday, April 3rd
The registration fee does not include the cost of supplies. Click on the link below to view the supply list for the first class.
This class is not eligible for the Day of Class discount.