Past Class
Have you always wanted to try your hand at foundation paper piecing? Have you seen a foundation paper piecing pattern and thought "I would love to be able to make that!" Have you wanted to try a Judy Niemeyer pattern but weren't sure you could do it? Do you struggle while thinking foundation paper piecing is done upside down and backwards!?! You can master this technique!
Learn how to foundation paper piece while we make the Circle of Geese block. We will complete at least one-quarter of the Circle of Geese in class and you will be able to confidently finish the 12" complete Circle of Geese block with perfect points at home. We will also make a small tree coaster to learn other widely used paper piecing techniques.
This class is appropriate for the confident beginner and will be held on the second floor of The Old Country Store.
A required supply list (fabric and notions) will be sent with your class confirmation.
$4.50 ($4.77 with PA Sales Tax)
Includes all your paper foundations.